This article is all about interesting, historical, rare, unknown, amazing facts about countries of world.
Amazing Facts about countries in terms of Area and size
- Brazil is the largest country in South Hemisphere. Australia is the largest country that lies totally in South hemisphere. (Brazil lies both in North and South Hemispheres.
- Canada is the largest country in Americas.
- United States is the second most country is Americas.
- Nicaragua is the largest Central American country.
- Russia is largest country in Europe. It is also largest country of Asia.
- China is the second and India is the third largest country of Asia.
- Ukraine is the largest country which lies totally in Europe.
- Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country of world.
- Algeria is the largest country of African continent.
- Saudi Arabia is the largest country of Middle East.
- Indonesia is the largest country totally on Island.
- Nauru is the smallest island country of the world.
- Vatican City is the smallest country of world.
- Monaco is the smallest country having a coastline.
- Monaco is smallest UN member country of world.
- Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest country in Americas and western Hemisphere.
- Maldives is the smallest country in Asia.
- Seychelles is the smallest country of Africa while Gambia is the smallest country of mainland continental Africa.
- Sao Tome Principe is the second smallest African country just after Seychelles. It is also the smallest Portuguese speaking country of the world.
- Lebanon is the smallest country of continental Asia.
- Azerbaijan is the smallest Caucasus country.
- Suriname is the smallest country in South America.
- El Salvador is the smallest country in North America.
Amazing Facts about countries in terms of Spoken Languages
- Argentina is the largest (in area) Spanish speaking country of world.
- Mexico is the largest country in terms of Spanish speaking population.
- Egypt is the largest Arabic speaking country followed by Algeria and Saudi Arabia in terms of Arabic speaking population.
- Brazil is the largest Portuguese speaking country in terms of Portuguese speaking population.
- Brazil is the only South American country with Portuguese as its official language.
- Guyana is the only South American country with English as its official language. All other South American countries have Spanish except Brazil which has Portuguese as its official language.
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In the above mentioned topic facts about countries of world plz clear it if Maldives is smallest country in asia and Lebanon is the smallest in continental asia what is the difference
Plz make a clear difference b/w. Continental Asia and continent asia
Hi Manzoor, Thanks for visiting this page.
Continental Asia means land portion only, not including the islands in ocean.
If it is mentioned as just Asia, then it means main land portion plus all the islands of ocean.
So if whole Asia is considered then Seychelles is smallest, but if mainland (continental Asia) is considered then Lebanon is smallest.