The article gives detail insights about the Official languages of India and status of Hindi as a Official Language. This article also describes the journey and evolution of official languages of India.
Article and Schedule of Constitution dealing Official Languages of India
The constitution of India, in 1950, recognized Hindi in Devanagari script as the official language of Union as per Article 343. The constitution also identifies the regional languages as the official languages of states(Article 345). Originally English was recognized as Legislative and Judicial language as per Article 348 of constitution.
Article 343 of constitution provides that for a period of 15 years from commencement of constitution (i.e. from 1950), The English language shall continue for official purposes of the Union. It was expected that after expiry of 15 years (i.e. from 1965) Hindi will replace English completely and will remain the only official language
Implementation of Hindi as the only official language caused much unrest and protest in the southern states where Hindi is not a mother tongue. As a result of this Official Languages Act was passed in 1963, which gave English the status of secondary official language and it was clear that English can also be used for official use along with Hindi.
Subsequent developments have turned the current in favor of continuing English as the official language. No definite date was being fixed for elimination of English and replacement by Hindi. Intra- state official correspondence started to be used in Official language of state, while inter state and state-centre correspondence started to be used either in Hindi or English.
Eighth Schedule of Constitution for Official Languages
As per Eighth Schedule of constitution, only 15 of the regional state languages were given the status of official languages of states. These languages were – 1) Assamese, 2) Bengali, 3) Gujarati, 4) Hindi, 5) Kannada, 6) Kashmiri, 7) Malayalam, 8) Marathi, 9) Oriya, 10) Punjabi, 11) Sanskrit, 12) Tamil, 13) Telugu, 14)Urdu, 15) Sindhi
Important Constitutional Amendments for Official Languages of India
71st Amendment of Constitution for Official Languages
By the 71st amendment of constitution Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali were also added in 1992 making the official languages count to 18.
92nd Amendment of Constitution for Official Languages
Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santali were added in the 92nd amendment of constitution thus making total official languages list to 22.

Indian States and their Official Languages
State | Official Languages |
Andhra Pradesh | Telugu, Urdu |
Arunachal Pradesh | English |
Assam | Assamese, English, Bengali |
Bihar | Hindi, Urdu |
Chhattisgarh | Hindi, Chhattisgarhi |
Goa | Konkan, Marathi, English |
Gujrat | Gujrati |
Haryana | Hindi, Punjabi |
Himachal Pradesh | Hindi, English |
Jammu & Kashmir | Urdu, English |
Jharkhand | Santali, Oriya, Bengali |
Karnataka | Kannad |
Kerala | Malyalam, English |
Madhya Pradesh | Hindi |
Maharashtra | Marathi |
Manipur | Manipuri, English |
Meghalaya | English, Garo, Khasi |
Mizoram | Mizo |
Nagaland | English |
Odisha | Oriya |
Punjab | Punjabi |
Sikkim | Nepali |
Tamil Nadu | Tamil, English |
Telangana | Telugu, Urdu |
Tripura | Bengali, Kokborok |
Uttar Pradesh | Hindi, Urdu |
Uttarakhand | Hindi, Sanskrit |
West Bengal | Bengali, English, Nepali |
Union Territories and their Official Languages
Union Territory | Official Languages |
Andaman & Nicobar Islands | Hindi, English |
Chandigarh | English |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli | English |
Daman & Diu | Konkani, Marathi, Gujarati |
Delhi | Hindi |
Lakshdweep Islands | English |
Puducherry | Tamil, French, English |
As per Constitution of india there are 22 official languages and english has. BEen given the status of official language then and it counts to 23 then why do we say that there are only 22 languages plz answer this and make it clear
Hi Manzoor, thanks for visiting this page.
You have raised a valid point.
Actually in starting, when constitution was being drafted, as per Article 343 of Indian Constitution, English was given just 15 year window to be used for official means. It was also inferred in article 343 that after 15 years from 1950, i.e. from 1965 Hindi will completely replace English as official language.
This is the reason English was not separately counted in the 22 language list and was initially seen as mere substitute of Hindi for time being.
However this plan couldn’t be materialised because of objection (Anti-hindi sentiments) from south Indian states. The situation is still the same, Hindi was never been able to replace English till now because of political reasons.
Though English is an official language of the Union of India, it is an interim official language and will continue only until such time it is ripe to be removed. Hindi on the other hand (Union of India)is designated to be upgraded as the sole official (currently an associate official language).
On a practical it is practically impossible to remove English leaving behind Hindi as the sole official language, due not only because of political repercussion but also because of creating chaos in administration.
why do we Indians give too much importance to English and running English medium schools by closing mother tongue
Dear Jayaram,
Because of you people english language get higher priority.
Nice example you gave in your question.
Fact: when our country roam around the world, like Europe Aferica America etc., there is essential for us.
Great article.
English not sheduled languages.only official language
I am not recognise this these are official or common language please clear my doubt
I do not realise this to that of this is official language or common language
Dear Jayaram,
Because of you people english language get higher priority.
Nice example you gave in your question.
Fact: when our country roam around the world, like Europe Aferica America etc., there is essential for us.
Kantar language is spoken in which state of India?
UP ka main language kya hai
UP ka main language kya hai