This list provides all events related with biggest, highest, largest, longest in world.

Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest in World : Creatures
- Largest sea bird – Albatross
- Fastest Bird of world – Peregrine Falcon
- Largest bird of the world – Ostrich
- Smallest Bird of the world – Bee Humming Bird
- Largest coral formation of the world – Great barrier Reef (Australia)
- Bird that never makes its nest – Cuckoo
- Wingless Bird – Kiwi
- Largest mammal – Whale
Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest in World : Plants, Trees etc
- Largest Living Tree – German Sherman, the Giant Sequoia in Sequoia National Park, California, US (83.8 m tall, 11.1 m trunk dia). This tree largest in terms of volume. (Volume 52,500 cubic feet)
- Tallest trees of world – Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens), height 300 feet (91 meters)
- Largest tree in terms of occupied area – The Great Banyan, in J C Bose Botanical Garden, Howrah, Kolkata, India. Area occupied 18,918 sq. m. (about 1.89 hectares or 4.67 acres).
- Biggest flower of world– Rafflesia Arnoldii (Java, Indonesia)
Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest in World : Man Made Structures
- Longest railway bridge of the world – Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge, China (164.8 Km)
- Tallest Building of the world – Burj Khalifa, UAE (height 828 m)
- Second tallest building of the world – Shanghai Tower, China (height 632 m)
- Third tallest building of the world – One World Trade Center, USA (height 541.3 m)
- Longest Ship canal of the world – Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal (1930 Km long)
- Largest Dam of the world in terms of installed capacity – Three Gorges Dam on Yangtze river, China (Capacity 22500 MW)
- Largest artificial lake of the world – Lake Kariba (on Zambezi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe)
- Biggest library of the world – Library of Congress, Washington DC
- Largest mosque of the world – Masjid al-Haram, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
- Biggest museum of the world – British Museum, London
- Tallest minaret (Free Standing) of the world – Qutub Minar, Delhi (Height 238 ft)
- Busiest port of world –Port of Shanghai, China
- Longest railway route in world – Trans Siberian Railway, Moscow to Vladivostak (6000 miles long)
- Longest River Dam of world – Hirakud Dam, Odisha India
- Tallest statue of the world – Statue of Liberty
- Tallest statue (metallic) – Bronze statue of Lord Buddha, Tokyo, Japan
- Longest road tunnel – Laerdal, Norway
- Biggest Bell of the World – Great Bell at Moscow (Tsar Bell)
- Largest temple of world– Angkor Vat (Cambodia)
- Largest park of the world – Northeast National Park, Greenland
- Largest stadium of world– Strahov Stadium in Prague (Czech Republic)
- Largest Church of world– Basilica of St Peter, Vatican City, Italy
- Longest corridor of world – Rameshwaram Temple’s corridor (5000 ft)
- Largest City in population – Tokyo
- Biggest city in world in terms of area – Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia (41,225 Sq Km)
- Largest palace of world – Hofburg palace, Viena
- Largest slum area of world – Neza (Chalco – Itza barrio), in Mexico city
Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest in World : Geographical Bodies
- Highest plateau of world – Pamir, Tibet Also called Roof of World
- Longest river of the world – Nile (6690 Km)
- Largest Island of the world – Greenland
- World’s largest underground cave chamber is Lubang Nasib Bagus in Sarawak, Malaysia. It is 701 mt long and 451 mt wide.
- Deepest Lake of world – Baikal (Siberia), Max depth 1637 m
- Highest Lake of World – Lhagba Pool, 6368 m (Tibet-China)
- Highest navigable lake of the world – Titicaca (on Andes mountain, Bolivia; 3812 m above sea level)
- Largest fresh water lake of the world – Lake Superior, USA
- Longest fresh water lake on world – Tanganyika Lake, 676 Km long, 72 Km wide in D R Congo & Tanzania.
- Largest saline water lake – Caspian Sea
- Highest City of the world – La Rinconada (height about – 16,700 ft)
- Highest Capital City of World – La Paz, Bolivia 3600 m height
- Highest Mountain range of the world – Himalayas
- Longest mountain range of the world – Andes (South America, Length 5500 miles)
- Deepest and biggest ocean of the world – Pacific ocean
- Largest peninsula of the world – Arabian peninsula (32,50,000 sq km)
- Driest place on earth – Atacama Desert, South America
- Largest inland sea – Mediterranean Sea
- Highest Volcano of world – Ojos del Salado, Andes, Aregentina- Chile (Height 6885 m)
- Largest volcano of world– Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
- Highest fall of world– Angel falls (Venezuela)
- Longest strait of world– Tatar strait or Strait of Tartary (between Sakhalin Island and the Russian mainland)
- Largest Bay of world– Hudson Bay, Canada (Shore line 7623 miles)
- Largest Gulf of world– Gulf of Mexico
- Largest Archipelago of world – Indonesia (more than 3000 islands)
- Largest gorge of world– Grand Canyon, USA
- World’s wettest place – Mawsynram, Cherrapunji, India
- Largest diamond mine of world– Kimberley (South Africa)
- Largest river in flow rate – Amazon, South America
- Highest capital city of world – La Paz (Bolivia)
- Largest Asian desert – Gobi, Mongolia
- Largest democracy of World– India
- Oldest Democracy of World– USA
Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest in World : Celestial bodies
- Largest planet – Jupiter
- Brightest planet – Venus
- Smallest planet – Mercury
- Brightest star of the sky – Sirius (also called dog star)
- Star closest to earth – Alpha Century
Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest in World : Periodic Table
- Lightest metal – Lithium (density 0.53 gm/cc)
- Heaviest metal – Osmium (density (22.59 gm/cc)
- Metal having highest melting point – Tungsten, 3410°C.
- Metal with lowest melting point – Mercury (-37° C)
- Metal with highest boiling point – Tungsten, 5660°C
- Metal with lowest boiling point – Mercury (356.7° C)