In all there are seven continents in world. These continents is decreasing order of area are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. Following is the details of continent with highest number of countries in descending order. The article also includes information on continent with second most countries; continent with least number of countries or continent with no country; continent with only one country.

Continent with highest number of countries : Africa
Africa is continent with highest number of countries. Africa has total 54 countries. Africa is the second most in terms of area. Africa has the biggest desert (Sahara) and it is also called as dark continent because for long not too much was known about this continent.
Also read: List of Countries by respective continents with capital, currency, official language
Second Continent with highest number of countries : Asia
Asia is the second continent with highest number of countries. There are total 48 countries in Asia continent. Asia is the biggest continent in terms of both area and population. 60% of total world’s population resides in Asia.
Third Continent with highest number of countries : Europe
Europe is the third continent with maximum number of countries. Total number of countries in Europe is 46. Europe is the second smallest continent in terms of area. Europe is considered as most urban, highest literacy rate and wealthiest among all continents.
North America
There are total 23 countries in North America. North America has fourth highest number of countries. North America comes on third position in terms of area.
Australia (& Oceania)
Australia/ Oceania combined has 14 number of countries including Australia. Australia /Oceania is fifth continent with maximum number of countries. There are four distinct geo-political regions in Oceania. These regions are : Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. The region Australia contains the countries of Australia and New Zealand. Other regions consists of a number of different smaller island countries. Australia/ Oceania is smallest continent in terms of area.
Some text books and other older resources represents Australia as the single country continent (excluding Oceania).
South America
South America has 12 number of countries. South America is sixth (second last) continent with maximum number of countries. In other words it can also be said that South America has second least number of countries. South America stands on fourth position in terms of area.
Continent with least number of countries : Antarctica
Antarctica is the only continent with no country present. Different countries organise scientific camps and there is no permanent residence of people on this continent. Antarctica is the fifth largest in terms of area. Its size keeps on changing as per season.
Also read : Amazing facts about all seven continents
Nice Article
Thanks for the answer
No body would guess Antarctica had the least amount of country’s
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Thank you for your Artical