This article provides facts and information on topics related to female members of constituent assembly of India, women who helped drafting the constitution, women who were members of constitution drafting committee, female members of Indian constitution, role of Sarojini Naidu in Indian constitution.
There were total 15 female members among total 389 elected members of constituent assembly. These female members were –
- Durgabai Deshmukh
- Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
- Hansa Mehta
- Begum Aizaz Rasul
- Ammu Swaminathan
- Sucheta Kriplani
- Dakshayani Velayudhan
- Renuka Ray
- Purnima Banerjee
- Annie Mascarene
- Kamla Chaudhri
- Leela (Nag) Roy
- Malati Choudhury
Apart from these 13 female members of Constituent assembly, there were two well known women who helped and contributed immensely in drafting the Indian constitution. These two imminent women were Sarojini Naidu and Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit.
Prominent Female Members of Constituent Assembly
Durgabai Deshmukh

Durgabai Deshmukh was born on 15 July 1909 in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. She was a social activist for women’s cause, seasoned social worker, politician and known for her contribution in freedom struggle. She was also a member of Planning Commission of India post independence. She also started Balika Hindi Pathshala in Rajahmundry to impart hindi education in southern region of India.
She was ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi and quite inspired by gandhian philosophy. She participated non -cooperation movement at the age of 12 years. Being a lawyer by profession she contributed in legals aspects of constitution.
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
Amrit Kaur was born on 2nd Feb 1889 in Lucknow, United Provinces (present Uttar Pradesh) state. She was a freedom fighter and imminent gandhian. She was the first woman minister with cabinet rank post independence. She worked as Health Minister in first Nehru cabinet. She was one of the most prominent members of constituent assembly that shaped the Indian constitution. Amrit Kaur represented Central Provinces & Berar state in constituent assembly. Apart from her there were 16 other members also present representing C. P. & Berar state. She was the member of Advisory committee and Fundamental Rights sub committee.
Hansa Mehta
Hansa Jivraj Mehta was social reformist, activist, freedom fighter and great poet/writer. She also worked as president of All India Women’s conference in year 1946 before getting nominated to constituent assembly. She was also the member of Fundamental Rights sub committee. She represented Bombay state in constituent assembly. She was known for her campaign to change the UN human rights universal declaration from “all men are born free and equal” to “all human beings are born free and equal”.
Begum Aizaz Rasul

She was born in year 1908 in Malerkotla, Sangrur district of Punjab state. She along with her husband were influential politicians among the minority community and belonged to Muslim League. She was a member of UP legislative assembly and also served as Deputy President of Council (1937-40). She was one of the 28 members of Muslim League who were members of constituent assembly. In fact Begum Rasul the only muslim woman to become member of constituent assembly. She joined Congress when Muslim League Indian branch was dissolved in 1950. She was the member of advisory committee on Fundamental rights and minority subcommittee. She was equivocal with Maulana Azad in condemning the separate electoral reservations based on religion for minorities.
Ammu Swaminathan
Ammu Swaminathan was a social worker and freedom fighter and politician. She was born in 1894 in Palakkad district of Kerala. She married at very tender age to twenty year elder Dr. Subbarama Swaminathan. She along with Annie Mascarene represented Madras province in constituent assembly. She became ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi and participated in independence movement. Ammu Swaminathan was known for showing disappointment/ displeasure for the size and volume of Indian constitution. She advocated of the idea that constitution should be concise enough to fit in a common man’s pocket. She is also better known as mother of Captain Lakshmi (Swaminathan) Sahgal who was active member in Azad Hind Fauz.
Dakshayani Velayudhan
She was born on 4th july 1912 on Bolgatty island of Cochin. She belonged to untouchable dalit and extremely unprivileged class. Despite facing innumerable odds, she excelled and completed her graduation in 1935 and was later elected as only dalit woman member of constituent assembly of India in 1946 representing Madras province. The Pulaya community to which she belonged didn’t had the privilege to wear cloth on upper half of body. The very basic and fundamental facility like schools, libraries, hospitals and other public places were not accessible to this community. She fought for her rights and became the first woman of her community to wear the upper half cloth on her body. She also became the first dalit woman to become science graduate in India. After giving her input in constituent assembly and creation of constitution, she also worked as member of provisional parliament from 1946 to 1952.