Quick Basic Facts about Puducherry

- Capital – Pondicherry
- Official Language – Tamil, Telugu, Malyalam
- Main spoken Languages – Tamil and French
- Area – 492 Sq Km
- Area Rank among Territories – 3rd
- Population – 12,44,464 (as per 2011 census)
- Population Rank among other territories – 2nd
- Population Density – 2598 /Sq Km
- Population Density Rank – 3rd
- Sex Ratio – 1038
- Literacy Rate – 86.5 %
- Literacy Rank – 3rd (among all territories)
- No. of Districts – 4
- Assembly seats – 33 (Unicameral)
- Lok Sabha Seats – 01
- Rajya Sabha seats – 01
- Established on – 7 Jan 1963
- First Chief Minister – Edouard Goubert
Historical Facts about Puducherry
- The earlier name of this territory was Pondicherry and it was changed to Puducherry on 20 Sept 2006.
- French first established their foothold in Puducherry in 1673.
- Dutch arrived earlier on this land and there were few skirmishes with French for getting the control of the then Pondicherry.
- It was declared Union territory in 1962. It was handed over to India by the French in 1954.
- Former capital of Pondicherry was Madras from 1948 to 1954.
Geographical Facts about Puducherry
- Puducherry consists of four geographically isolated districts – Puducherry itself, Karaikal, Yanam near Bay of Bengal and Mahe near Arabian Sea.
- Mahe is small city (district of Puducherry) located on the western coast totally surrounded by Kerala from north, south and east. Arabian Sea defines the western boundary of Mahe. This city lies on the mouth of Mahe river.
- Yanam is totally surrounded by Andhra Pradesh from north, south and west. Bay of Bengal defines eastern boundary. The city is 30 Sq Km in area only and located inside the East Godavari district of Andhra.
- Puducherry and Kariakal are geographically surrounded by Tamil Nadu from north, south and and west. Bay of Bengal defines the eastern boundary.
- Puducherry lies on the drainage basin of Gingee river. The other important rivers are Mahe, Arasalar, virasolanar, vikramanar.
- Judiciary of Puducherry is itself High Court of Madras at Chennai.
- Puducherry is the unique among all seven Union territories as it has its own Legislature and elected Chief Minister.
Economic Facts about Puducherry
- Main Industries – Textiles, Computer hardware, electronics, plastic, bicycle parts, alcoholic beverages, electrical appliances, automobile parts, soap, rice barn oil, cotton yarn etc
- Agricultural Products of Puducherry – Rice, pulses, coconut, arecanut, condiments etc. Groundnut and chillies are grown in Yaman.
Social and Cultural Facts about Puducherry
- French influence clearly reflects in the society and culture of Puducherry. The impact of French culture on the architectural older buildings is quite obvious. Most of the restaurants offer delicious French food along with local Indian dishes.
- Puducherry is well known for Shri Aruobindo and his Ashram.
- Matrimandir is spherical structure with golden discs. This is considered to be of spiritual importance and used for practicing Yoga. This is located in Auroville township founded by Mirra alfassa
- Podikazhi attam is the well known folk dance form of Puducherry. This is celebrated by by local fishermen community.
- Mascarade Mask Festival represents the glimpses of French culture. It is observed in months of Mar to April. People clad with colourful costumes and masks dance and revel around the streets in fun.
- Masi Magam Festival is a traditional Hindu festival celebrated by Tamil community of Pondicherry. It is observed between months of Feb to March. The deities are taken out from different temples and bathed in sea. Devotees also take holy dip in the sea in Karaikal and cleanse their sins.
- Eve of French Battle day is marked by flags and parade.

- Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Puducherry is also called as Samba Kovil in local language.
- Crafts include hand printed textiles, kalakari batik, marbling works, handmade paper and bronze works.
- Places of interest are – Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Government Museum, Bharathi & Bharathidasan Memorial Museum, Government square, Botanical Garden, French Institute, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Joan of Arc, Manakula Vinayagar Temple, Ananda Rangapillai mansion, Auroville and Boat Club on the Chunnambar river.
Famous Persons from Puducherry
- Shri Arubindo – was a philosopher and spiritual leader who is also known for his contribution in national movement. His real name was Arubindo Ghosh and was born in Kolkata but settled in Pondicherry where he founded his ashram.
- Mirra Alfassa – was the spiritual ally of Shri Arubindo. She was born in France in 1878 and came to Pondicherry, India in 1914 and met Shri Arubindo and helped her in setting the Arubindo Ashram. She was also called as The Mother.
- Manoj Night Shyamlan – is the internationally famous director and producer in Hollywood film industry. He is known for his films like The sixth Sense, Unbreakable and Signs. He was born in Mahe district of Puducherry.
- S Somasegar – has served as Vice President in Development division of Microsoft Corp. He was born in 1966 at Puducherry.