Peninsula is a piece of land which is almost surrounded by water but connected from one side to larger mass of land. The best example to understand a peninsula is the state of Florida, United States which protrudes out from main land north America into Atlantic Ocean. Other fine example is land mass of North and South Korea which protrudes out from mainland Asia in China sea. The part of land by which the Peninsula is connected to the main land are sometimes very narrow and separated by thin water body which in turn creates another geographical feature called isthmus. There are innumerable peninsulas throughout the world and in each continents. The list below gives the details of largest peninsula of world.
Largest Peninsulas of World : Arabian Peninsula

Arabian Peninsula or Arabia is the largest peninsula of world which occupies an area of 3.2 million square Km. It is located in middle east and comprises of 7 countries including Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar. It is surrounded by Red sea in west, Gulf of Aden in south, Arabian sea in southeast, Gulf of Oman in east and Persian gulf in northeast.
Second Largest Peninsula of World : Indian (Deccan) Peninsula
Indian Peninsula is considered as second largest peninsula of world. India is surrounded from three sides by Arabian sea, Indian ocean and Bay of Bengal. The way Indian subcontinent protrudes out in Indian ocean itself gives it the look of a peninsula. If the number of inhabitants are taken into account then this peninsula becomes the largest one of world.
Third Largest Peninsula of World : Indo-China Peninsula

This is also called Indo-Chinese or Mainland southeast Asia. This peninsula is a part of southeast Asia and comprises of countries Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. It is bordered with Andaman sea in west, Strait of Malacca in southwest and China sea in east. The southern part of Indo-China peninsula Malaysia and south protruding part of Thailand is called Malay Peninsula.
Horn of Africa

This is also called as Somali Peninsula. This peninsula is the fourth largest in world. This is protruded long inside Arabian sea surrounded by Gulf of Aden in north and Arabian sea in east and south. This comprises of four countries of Eastern Africa which are Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti.
Alaska Peninsula
This peninsula separates out the Pacific Ocean from Bristol bay which is a part of Bering sea. In some cases the Alaskan peninsula is considered as the thin strip protruding part (Lake and Peninsula Borough) which is county of Alaska but in some sources the whole Alaska state is taken as peninsula. Here the whole Alaska state is considered which is surrounded by Arctic Sea in north, Bering strait in west and Pacific sea in south.
Labrador Peninsula

This is the north-eastern part of Canada which is surrounded by Hudson bay in west, Gulf of Saint Lawrence in south, Labrador sea in east which is itself a part of Atlantic Ocean. This peninsula is located in the province of Quebec.
Scandinavian Peninsula

This peninsula covers entire Norway and Sweden and only smaller northern part of Finland. It represents the perfect example of a Peninsula which is surrounded by water body from all sides and connected to mainland from one narrow strip of land.
Some other strategically important Peninsulas of World
Malay Peninsula
The southern most portion of Indo-China peninsula in turn makes a unique peninsula and is called as Malay peninsula. The Malay peninsula consists of Malaysia completely and the southern protruding portion of Thailand. This is strategically the most important peninsula of world as it controls the shipping trade from European countries to Southeast Asian countries. This peninsula is bounded by Andaman sea in northwest, Malacca strait in west, South China sea in east and Gulf of Thailand in northeast.
Kamchatka Peninsula
This peninsula is located at far-east portion of Russia. This peninsula is bounded by Bering sea in east, North Pacific ocean in south and Sea of Okhotsk in west. Kamchatka peninsula is also known for its volcanoes and these are counted in UNESCO world heritage sites. There are total 160 volcanoes present in this peninsula out of which 29 are still active.
Florida Peninsula
State of florida of U.S. is a classical example of a peninsula. It is bounded by North Atlantic in east, Caribbean sea in south and Gulf of Mexico in west.
Chukchi Peninsula
The easternmost part of Russia is known as Chukchi peninsula. This peninsula is bounded by Chukchi sea in north, Bering strait in east and Bering sea in south. The Alaska state of U.S. is just 82 Km east from the closes point of Chukchi peninsula. This is strategically very important peninsula as it controls the shipping trade of northern European countries to west coast of US and southeast Asian countries.
List of Largest Peninsulas of World
Peninsula | Area (SqKm) | Location | Countries | Bordering Seas |
Arabian | 3,237,500 | Middle East | Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen | Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Arabian sea, Gulf of Aden, Red sea |
Indian (Deccan) Peninsula | 2,072,000 | South Asia | South India | Arabian sea, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal |
Indo-china Peninsula | 1,938,743 | Southeast Asia | Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam | China sea, Bay of Bengal, Malacca Strait,Indian Ocean |
Horn of Africa(Somali Peninsula) | 1,882,857 | East Africa | Djibouti, Eritria, Ethiopia, Somalia, | Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea |
Alaska Peninsula | 1,500,000 | Alaska | US | Pacific ocean, Bering sea |
Labrador Peninsula | 1,400,000 | North America | Canada | Hudson bay, Labradore sea, Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Atlantic Ocean |
Scandinavian Peninsula | 750,000 | North Europe | Norway, Sweden, north Finland | Baltic Sea, North Sea, Norwegian sea |
Balkan Peninsula | 666,700 | Southeast Europe | Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, north Turkey | Adriatic sea, Ionian sea, Mediterranean sea, Aegean sea, Black sea |
Iberian Peninsula | 582,000 | Southwest Europe | Andora, Portugal, Spain, France | Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean sea |
Kamchatka Peninsula | 270,000 | Far-east Russia | Russia | Bering sea, North Pacific, Sea of Okhotsk |
Korean Peninsula | 220,847 | Northeast Asia | North Korea, South Korea | East China sea, Yellow sea, korean Strait |
Floridan Peninsula | 170,304 | North America | US (Florida state) | Gulf of Mexico, Florida Strait, Atlantic Ocean |
Baja California Peninsula | 143,390 | North America | Mexico | Pacific ocean, Gulf of California |
Italian Peninsula | 131,337 | South Europe | Italy, San Marino, Vatican City | Adriatic sea, Ionian sea, Tyrrhenian sea, Mediterranean sea |
Kola Peninsula | 100,000 | Northwest Russia | Russia | Barents Sea, White sea |
Sinai Peninsula | 60,000 | Egypt-Israel border | Egypt | Suez Canal, Gulf of Aqaba, Red sea, Mediterranean sea |
Crimean Peninsula | 27,000 | East Europe | Ukraine (now Russia) | Black Sea, Sea of Azov |
Tasman Peninsula | 660 | Southeast Australia | Australia | Fredrick Henry Bay, Storm Bay, Tasman sea |
Chukchi Peninsula | Northeast Russia | Russia | Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait, Bering Sea | |
Malay Peninsula | Southeast Asia | South Thailand, South Myanmar, Malaysia | Andamanese Sea, Strait of Malacca, South China Sea | |
Yucatan Peninsula | Southeast Mexico | Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean sea | Mexico |
Where is Anatolian Peninsula? its one of the largest top 5
The protruding Western part of Turkey which is bounded by Black sea in north, Aegean sea in west and Mediterranean sea in south is known as Asia minor/Anatolian plateau/Anatolian peninsula.
Aww, no mention of the good ol’ Olympic Peninsula up in Washington? It should at least get a mention, as it’s about 9,300km², just a bit under the Kola Peninsula. Though I can’t say my estimate is accurate, as it’s only a rounded conversion of the 3,600mi² mentioned on the Wikipedia article, and I cannot find any other sources online for the area from my small venture to find out.
Scratch what I last said about it being “just a bit under the Kola Peninsula.” I misread badly, forgot the extra zero in the size of the Kola Peninsula, and I hope you can forgive my mistake. I mean to say it’s a fitting spot for the large gap of 26,000km² between the Crimean and Tasmanian Peninsulas.
Also, why are the final three listed items without measurements? Was there no sufficient data available on them?
Thank you
The Delmarva (Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland) on the East Coast of the USA is map sizable.
You can’t leave out Michigan! The whole state is one giant peninsula!
What about Bakassi Peninsula