Continuous series of mountains which form a chain are called Mountain Ranges. Following list shows the details of biggest Mountain Ranges of World in descending order of their length.
Longest Mountain Ranges of World : Andes
- Length – 7000 Km
- Highest Peak – Aconcagua, Mendoza, Argentina, height 6962 m
- Other higher peaks – Cerro Bonete (6,759 m), Galán (5,912 m), Mercedario (6,720 m), Pissis (6,795 m)
Andes is the longest mountain ranges of the world. Its total length is about 7000 Km and average width of 500 Km. It is located on the western coast of South America. It is stretched from north to south in a number of different South American Countries namely Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The peak of this range, Mount Aconcagua holds the reputation of highest mountain outside Asian continent. World’s highest Volcano Ojas del Salado is located in this range which lies on border of Argentina and Chile. Geographically there are three distinct parts of this mountain range – North Andes located in Venezuela and Columbia; Central Andes which is located in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador; South Andes which is located in Argentina and Chile.
Second Longest Mountain Range of World : Rocky Mountains

- Length – 4800 Km
- Highest Peak : Mount Elbert, Colorado, United States, height 4400 m
- Other higher Peaks : Mount Robson (3954 m), Mount Columbia (3747 m), Snow Dome (3456 m), Canada.
This is the mountain range which lies on the western coast of North America. The length of this mountain range is about 4800 Km which makes it second longest mountain range of world. This range is also located from north to south starting from British Columbia which is province of Canada, and reaching up to southwestern United States.
Third Longest Mountain Ranges of World : Great Dividing Range
- Highest Peak : Mount Kosciuszo, height 2228 mt
- Length : 3500 Km
This mountain range is also called as Eastern Highlands. It forms the entire boundary of the eastern part of Australian continent. The range stretches up to 3500 Km starting from north-eastern part of Queensland running south along the eastern coast of Australia up to plains of western Victoria. This is the third longest mountain range. Great dividing range is known for some of most panoramic river waterfalls such as Danger Falls of New South Wales. Some of the important rivers which are associated with range include – Condamine, Macdonald, Goulburn, Mitta, Brisbane, Burdekin, Hunter, Macleay, Mary and Richmond.
Fourth Longest Mountain Range of World : Transantarctic Range
- Highest Peak : Mount Kirkpatrick, height 4528 mt
- Length – 3500 Km
This mountain range stretches through the continent of Antarctica nearly crossing the south Pole of earth and bisects the Antarctica continent in two parts. There are a number of sub-mountains ranges in this system. Its total length is about 3500 Km and width varies from 100 to 280 Km.
Fifth Longest Mountain Ranges of World : Kunlun Mountains
- Highest Peak – Kunlun Goddess, height 7167 mt
- Length – 3000 Km
Kunlun Mountain range is the longest of all ranges of Asia. The total length of this range is about 3000 Km which is more than Himalayas. Most of its length passes through China. Gobi desert forms its north boundary, Tibetan plateau is in south, Pamir mountains of Tajikistan is in east and eastern boundary is defined by fertile plains of northeast china. Some important rivers associated with this range are Karakash and Yurungkash.
Sixth Longest Mountain Range of World :Ural
- Highest Peak : Mount Naronaya, height 1895 mt
- Length – 2500 Km
Ural mountain range runs north to south in Asian continent starting from Arctic ocean in northwestern Russia and runs south up to northern parts of Kazakhstan. These mountain range forms the boundary between Europe and Asian continents. The length of this range is about 2500 Km and average width is 150 Km. Famous Ural river which is one of the most important rivers of Europe originates from this mountain range.
Seventh Longest Mountain Range of World : Atlas

- Highest Peak : Mount Toubkal, height 4165 mt
- Length – 2500 Km
Atlas mountain range is spanned along the northwestern tip of African continent. This range is located across three countries namely Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. The length of this range is about 2500 Km. It starts near the Mediterranean sea in Tunisia, crosses Algeria and reaches Atlantic ocean in southwestern parts of Morocco. This mountain range forms the northwestern boundary of Sahara Desert. Atlas range can be divided into four geographically distinct regions namely Middle Atlas, High Atlas, Anti Atlas and Saharan Atlas.
8th Longest Mountain Range of World : Appalachian Range
- Highest Peak : Mount Mitchell, North Carolina, Height 2037 mt
- Length – 2414 Km
Appalachian mountain range forms the eastern coastal boundary of Canada and United States. The length of this range is about 2414 Km and average width is about 300 Km. The height of the mountains in this range is comparatively low than other mountain systems of world. Most of the range lies in United States with some part extending up to southeast Canada.
9th Longest Mountain Range of World : Himalayas
- Highest Peak – Mount Everest, height 8848 mt
- Length – 2400 Km
Himalayas are one of the recent most mountain ranges of world which lies in South Asia. It separates Indo-Gangetic plains with Tibetan plateau. The Hindu Kush and Karakoram ranges forms the western boundary and Northeast seven sister Indian states forms the eastern border. It is called recent most as age of these mountains is smallest as compared to other mountain system of world. It is also the home for some peaks which are highest among the world like Mount Everest – topmost (8848 mt), Mount K2 – second highest(8611 mt), Kangchenjunga – third highest (8586 mt). Nine mountain peaks of this range including Everest, K2 and Kanchenjunga are the world’s top 9 mountain peaks. The length of this range is about 2400 Km. It is also the origin point of three major Asian rivers Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra. Himalayas have got descriptions and illustrations in various religious texts of Hinduism and Buddhism and are considered important to both of these religions.
10th Longest Mountain Range of World : Altai Mountains
- Highest peak : Mount Belukha, height 4506 mt
- Length – 2000 Km
Altai range is located in central Asia and its length is 2000 Km. It is located in the region which forms the adjoining areas of Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. Most of this range is located in Mongolia while smaller sections span to Russia, Kazakhstan and China. The main important mountains of this system include Mount Belukha of Russia, Khuiten Peak of Mongolia, Mount Khairkhan of Mongolia, Tsambagarav of Mongolia and Sutai Mountain of Mongolia.
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